Friday, June 22, 2012


Routine brings stillness, boredom and sometimes loneliness. Heading towards my home after office as usual which is routine in the morning in bus at around 7:30 I saw kids going to school wearing Blue uniform and carrying their bags with a smile on their face..fresh, soothing and calm..few kids just hopped in my bus and they sat around and were talking about their stuff, which used be my stuff back some years...I took out my phone and clicked a picture of two kids who were i think in class 7 or 8 they didn't show any offense or objection. In spite of that i was smiling the way one kid was hiding behind the one..he was shy..this is something we totally have lost today... INNOCENCE.

I really wonder about life how it went on and on,Things which used be so obvious few years back for me became memories ....what a time it was...No worries, No future planning, No career objective, No appraisals, No weekends, No meetings, No girlfriends only friends. How many of us can really learn from those kids who dress up every morning and go to school and come back, for them there are no weekends only Sunday still they never complain about Monday because they live each day ...Life's definition for them is completely different from ours.

Yes, they do have tension but totally of different kinds.I used to have same tensions back 15 years...homework not done,how to hide your face behind the student so that teacher does not look at you and ask you some question that obviously you don't know the always rely on your friends blindly for any question that they knew and you don't, back then you never used your brain on what you don't know...but there is always curiosity to know something new, that was the true knowledge, when you don't know something you accept it and when you know something you stand upon it.

I really miss those morning prayers now...which used to be of no sense back than....and it was the one of the most boring time of school,adjusting your tie,rubbing your shoes back to your pants to make them shine, asking about some most terrifying teacher's homework, looking for the house badge..if it is there or not..., and always afraid of being called upon the stage in morning prayers..for JAM,Elocution,debate or saying prayer.

We totally had a different kind of fears, but they were sweet in themself back than, we never used to think about future back than...i wonder how much we plan things now ...back then there was total randomness in our lives...we used to just do things.

Today money is something which I can say Every one of us is Running after switching Jobs, Fat packages, Appraisals, Bonus, Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer to Team Lead and to Manager to the ends...back then the best days of the month are those when we had 5 or 10 Rs in our pocket...and with those 5 10 bucks we knew we can buy one hell of a world, be it aloo patties, samosa, matar, cake in canteen or bhel poori, ice cream, chooran or imli after school.

I still remember the Thelewaals which used to stand at the gate of My School and back then this was the only place which was used to be a hangout place for food with friends...not something like McDonald's and Domino's and some other joints in today's date. Back then the best thing or gift would have been a pencil box of Camlin and we used to carry geometry box and we always wonder why those triangle type things are always there in the Geometry Box back than most of us don't even know that they are called SET SQUARES.. :) :)

Life was simple and beautiful back than...yes it does have the routine but we never got bored of that routine...Most boring time of school was when we had summer vacation, because we knew back than we are not going to meet our best buddies for someone and half month...and the first day of school after vacation is like a total discussion day of what one did in summers,what are different kinds of video games and cassette one brought..yes back than there were no CD's and Play-stations even if there were some CD's definitely they were out of reach of some my kind of kid. I remember that 64 in 1 cassette and contra game, whose first game was ISLANDER....some other Favorite were Road rash, Mario, Load Runner, Bomber man. . . :) :D

How many of you had the hesitation back then when you joined new school the first time...all eyes are looking at you and some random students of your class keep on coming up with the same set of questions...what's your name and where you studied...back then the most important question was for us is to ask a name... I really wonder the innocence that we was not like this time..when we meet somebody today we shake hands and tell our names..back then people used to come at your seat and ask for your name...that was childhood :) :)...No ego, No attitude, No sense of self-righteousness....!!!

Today when I see school kids. I smile just for no reason...I can see my reflection in every child..when I look at them I became nostalgic,. I know each and every one of us became nostalgic when you saw the kids dressed up like that....not all the time but it did happen to you once for sure.....I Know some years back this used to be my days...
yes, I TOO HAD SCHOOL DAYS.. :) :) :)

Monday, June 11, 2012


आज फिर सोच रहा हूँ कुछ लिखू 
कुछ कहकर इस मन को दू सुकून,
बात तो कुछ भी नयी नहीं बताने को,
फिर से वही मुश्किल ज़िन्दगी बिताने को,
हाँथ थाम कर तुम मेरा चलो तो सही,
शाम ढले और सुबह हो फिर एक नयी।

जाना है मैंने भी कुछ ज़िन्दगी को,
छूकर गयी है वोह भी तो शायद कहीं मुझको,
कुछ पल और लम्हे जो एहसासो से भरे थे,
ख्वाबो के परिंदे जो आसमानो में उड़े थे,
दिन ढलने पर जाकर न जाने कहा छुपे थे, 

क्योकि कल फिर एक नयी सुबह आएगी,
और उन परिंदो को वापस अपने घर लाएगी,
जानता हूँ ज़िन्दगी कल फिर गुनगुनायेगी,
हार पर जीत मुस्कुराएगी,
पहली बारिश की बूंदो पर,
गीली मिटटी की फिर वही खुशबु आएगी,

ज़िन्दगी यह एहसासो की कहानी है,
कुछ तुमने सुना और कुछ मेरी जुबानी है,
वक़्त को ना रोको यह तो बस रेत की तरह निकल जायेगा,
यह ना कभी ठहरा है ना कभी वापस आएगा,
आज चुन लो मोतियो को तुम दरिया में से,
कल का क्या पता शायद यह सेहरा बन जायेगा,

कल वो सूरज फिर मुस्कुराएगा,
और अपनी पहली किरण से नयी उम्मीद जगायेगा,
मंजिले दूर होने से रास्ते लम्बे हो जाते है,
पर जो उन पर बिना रुके चला है,
अंत में वही तो परचम लहराएगा

किसी मोड़ पर ज़िन्दगी में हम फिर टकरायेंगे,
बीते लम्हे फिर एक बार दामन भिगो जायेंगे,
सोचता हूँ मै कि इन लम्हो से हम कल क्या पाएंगे,
जो एहसासो की कहानी फिर से दोहराएंगे,
नए दोस्त नए लोग दिल में जगह बनायेंगे,
ज़िन्दगी के कुछ नए पल,
और नए पलो में ज़िन्दगी को बिताएंगे,
पर इन सब के बीच वो पुराने परिंदे कहा जायेंगे?,
वो शायद नयी डाल की तलाश में घरो से उड़ जायेंगे,
उम्मीद की पहली किरण के साथ एक नया आशियाना बनायेंगे,
और उन आशियानो में उन लम्हो को फिर सजायेंगे,
क्योकि ज़िन्दगी में फिर कई मोड़ आयेंगे.....!!!!!!!