Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I was tried and tested every time
like a thing,rejected,
skies were blue, pain                   
which is excruciating through.                                                          

Getting numb every time, 
my poems don't rhyme,
still looking into the eye,
sometime i feel shy.

Blood doesn't run anymore,
had it stopped long before,
or was it the memories, 
my mind was chasing,                                                            
or the deja vu i was having.   

Your hairs used to fall on my face,                                       
like the fall creating the rainbows in the bays, 
Sometime your eyes used to search me,
as if the moon hiding behind the tree.
That crescent smile across your lips, 
those beautiful nails with nail paint on it,
that gentle touch and warm smile,
which always made me travel through miles.

Satin voice and eyelashes,making me nostalgic,
is it a reality or it is a magic,
but i don't know how it went tragic,
the only thing where i don't find any logic.                                                                                     

I still wonder where all this gone,
songs which i used to sing,
and the poems that took me so long,
when i see myself in the mirror, 
i see living reflection of her.                                                                                            
I never gave up on life,
but sometime i sigh,
had it been the same,
or i become a little insane.

I long to feel your touch,
sometime i feel so high,
was it a marijuana, 
was it a alcohol,
or was it your eyes.......!!!!!!                                                                                               


  1. Wonderful poem. Only a person like you can write such a thing.. i can relate it to myself ;)
